In addition to jewelry, I do start-to-finish web page design. I have
extensive art and graphic design experience, and have done several web
pages that will speak more descriptively about what I do than this page
ever could. (This page, suffice to say, is one of the pages I've assembled,
and the Primitive Modern logo is my design)
My current employer and the bulk of my energies these days belongs to Lynx
real-time Systems - "Keeping the world running!"
A Virtual Portfolio
Here's the one I designed for Network Consulting
I assembled the pages for Atlas Interpreters.
These are a good sample of my basic webpage-designing package.
The Biznet pages on this server are examples
of existing pages I've reworked.
Further portfolio items and references available on request...
For further information, contact Catherine Watt, [link deactivated -sw]
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